Joanne S.
Joanne is currently a freshman in high school. She’s always loved all things STEM: math, biology, cosmology… the list goes on.
Joanne has a ridiculous passion for math. Ever since she was little, she has consistently practised to perfect her math skills. Now she sees math as a hobby— albeit a difficult one, but a fun hobby nonetheless. She sees people struggling all around her, but she’d love them to know that to an extent, the solution to a problem isn’t always as complicated as it seems. Joanne has experienced this plenty of times before! Joanne’s strong love for math is what fueled her to join FemSTEM. She hopes that in her time at FemSTEM, she can kindle a love for math in others as well.
Although Joanne is thinking of pursuing a career in the humanities field, she will still take lots of STEM classes throughout high school. She’s most excited to take Chemistry and Physics as well as higher math classes (of course!). Perhaps she’ll pursue a career in which humanities and STEM overlap.
Joanne has experience teaching and working with younger kids. She’s grown to appreciate the bright energy they can bring. Aside from STEM and teaching, Joanne loves to read (anything really, but especially character analyses), listen to music, and write. She’s a new member as of 2024, but she just knows that being in FemSTEM will be one of the most fulfilling things she’s ever done.