Kelly Chang (Advisor)
Ms. Chang is thrilled FemSTEM is in full force. Throughout her years of teaching at an International School the need for FemSTEM has been indisputable. Upper divisional STEM courses absent of female representation has been painful to witness. She believes that male and female students can accomplish the same things in any field, however society doesn’t always allow that access. She hopes FemSTEM will plant a seed in female minds at a young age to incite excitement in STEM. Ms. Chang hopes for a day where FemSTEM doesn’t need to exist through equity and balance in the field of STEM.
Ms. Chang was born in Anyang, South Korea but immigrated to the Bay Area, California when she was 7. She has been fortunate to never been told what she shouldn’t or can’t do in her future throughout her formative years. She studied applied math and computer science in university and has been teaching high school math for 21 years in California, New York City, and now South Korea. She has loved each year of her teaching and couldn’t be happier with her career choice. Most importantly it’s the students that have made this possible.
Aside from teaching, she loves to cuddle with her pug “Chang Sam Soon” (Sammy), explore the culinary world, knit, treasure hunt at vintage/second-hand shops as she travels through continents. She is fearless and will eat and try anything so be careful what you challenge her with. When she introduced FemSTEM to the girls at her school, she believed it will work and do magic for all students involved; it’s already happening thanks to the wonderful team of FemSTEM.